Kia Smart Cruise Control image

What is Kia Smart Cruise Control?

How Smart Cruise Control works and what its benefits are 

Do you spend a too much time stuck in traffic on your daily commute to Dayton? If so, you’re not alone. Many Dayton commuters battle bumper-to-bumper traffic, especially during rush hour. Smart Cruise Control can help. What is Kia Smart Cruise Control? Keep reading with Matt Castrucci Kia to learn how Smart Cruise Control works and what its benefits are. 

Smart Cruise Control (SCC) | Kia video guide 

This video guide from Kia shows you how to use SCC and change the settings for speed and distance. 

How Kia Smart Cruise Control can improve your commute 

Enter Kia Smart Cruise Control (SCC). This driver-assistance feature is available on many Kia models and can help make your commute on Dayton’s highways more relaxing. Here’s how: 

  • Set your speed: With SCC activated, you simply set your desired cruising speed. The car will then automatically maintain that speed, even if the traffic flow slows down. 
  • Maintain a safe distance: SCC uses radar to detect the vehicle in front of you and automatically adjusts your speed to maintain a pre-set following distance. This system not only reduces the need for constant braking and accelerating but also helps ensure a safe following distance. 
  • Reduce fatigue: By letting SCC handle the mundane task of maintaining speed and distance, you’ll be less fatigued behind the wheel. This alertness can be especially helpful on longer commutes or in stop-and-go traffic.